Healthy Thanksgiving Tips for Your Teeth

healthy thanksgiving at Dabell and Paventy Orthodontics

healthy thanksgivingIt’s here! The season of Thanksgiving has finally arrived and we are very excited. At DaBell & Paventy, we have so many things to be thankful for. We are so grateful for our patients and their parents, for our fun, compassionate, knowledgeable dental team, a community that is committed to safe, fun events, and supporting our youth – the list goes on and on. While we love to focus on things we are thankful for, we also want to make sure to provide healthy tips as we go into the holiday season.

Taking Care of Your Teeth (and Braces) During Turkey Day

No one loves Thanksgiving more than we do – a day spent with family and friends, great food, a (hopefully) exciting football game, and the traditional parade are all things we look forward to every year. We don’t look forward to cavities and gum sensitivity, however. Unfortunately, after the holiday season is over, we see an increase in both of these things. While you and your kids enjoy the festivities- you can incorporate a few changes to make it a fun and healthy turkey day!

Eat More Vegetables

It’s easy to get our fair share of sugar during the holidays – so one tip is to make an effort to have more vegetable options. From a beautiful vegetable tray in the shape of a turkey (check out Pinterest ideas, they are a hoot), to adding fruit to sparkling water – there are fun ways to get your kids excited about eating healthier snacks.

Add a Cheese Tray

Instead of setting out the cookie tray early, make a board of different kinds of hard and soft cheeses. Cheese provides great nutrients for your children’s teeth, including Vitamin D and Calcium, both of which we need desperately going into the winter months.

Avoid Sticky Foods

For those of you with braces, we encourage you to avoid the caramel desserts, sticky marshmallows that may be topping the sweet potatoes, and any other foods (even celery that may be difficult to bite) that could break a wire or damage your braces.

Remember Your Aligner

One major benefit for Invisalign patients is the ability to remove the aligners to eat.  Make sure to brush/floss after your Thanksgiving meal before replacing your clear aligners.

Drink More Water

Water isn’t very exciting, but you can make it easier to drink by choosing sparkling water choices and adding frozen cranberries to the glass. Water is important in keeping teeth and gums healthy. It not only hydrates your whole body but washes away bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Remember to Brush and Floss

While the best rule is to always brush twice daily for two minutes and floss every day, we encourage our patients and their parents to add another brushing session after your main Thanksgiving meal and dessert. This will help cut down on the amount of bacteria left on the surface of your teeth.

Get in for a Holiday Cleaning

Our final advice is to schedule a cleaning and exam during the holiday season. Not only will this give your child’s teeth a healthy boost during the holidays, but it will help you and your kids start the New Year off right. If you happen to have an orthodontic emergency, like a pokey or broken wire, get in touch with our office right away. From all of us at DaBell & Paventy – Happy Thanksgiving!

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